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聚臨沂商城 趕“中國(guó)大不到集” 十足國(guó)際範兒 3高秒00名外商市場大采購



On November 25th, the Lin費綠yi Mall International Purchasing Conf她白erence and Shandong Port Su近訊pply Chain Comprehensive Service 照就Promotion Conference opened. Mor事黃e than 300 international buyers 離紙from more than 60 countries an跳的d regions across five 舊對continents visited m金姐ore than ten markets under the 哥學Mall Market Group, includ土兒ing Huaqiang Group照年, Lanhua Group, and Wanbao Grou離可p, for inspection, vis討外it, and negotiat黃冷ion.



The theme of this conf舞資erence is "Hong Kong connecting th錢算e four seas, land connecting eight dire快為ctions, gathering in Linyi Mall, catch文裡ing up with China妹麗's major market", interpreting土門 the exploration of Linyi's path to件著 expand opening up to the outside worl聽草d and strengthen international trade.草報 The purchaser market activ去這ity is part of the Linyi高東 Mall International Purchasing Conferen對低ce and Shandong Port Supply Chain 到年Comprehensive S學你ervice Promotion Conference. It is a舞女lso another innov理服ative exploration of地花 Linyi Mall in building a foreign 房業trade docking platform and a視廠ssisting market 遠內merchants in expanding 拿謝foreign trade channe路年ls, effectively promoting the co有火nstruction of the "Internat行少ional Mall"不拿.


Guangdong Ksourcing is resp暗少onsible for inviting inter友路national buyers in the fields of樹黑 building materials, hardware, and t近車oys for this promotio錯亮n event. The invited 月煙international buyers 近東have a wide coverage, high professiona男暗lism, and precise demand. From 鄉購the perspective of foreign離站 demand, the products 兒她in the mall market basica視秒lly cover the procurement村章 needs of foreign investors. &qu多坐ot;I am still unsatisfied and hope t友站o see more market products.線坐" "I want美刀 to further deepen my under錢舊standing of the Linyi mall market.&河木quot; International buye費但rs, while visiting and purchasing,微國 greatly appreciate the prosper裡飛ous and developing market and 東麗rich products, a都學nd hope to visit 慢飛and inspect more markets.



“我基本拿到(dào)了80%以上少村的供應商的聯系方式,臨沂日後(hòu暗關)應該會(huì)成(chéng)為我公司紙行進(jìn)口産品最大的供應市場。”在蘭華集團國(guó)際采購商對山見(duì)洽會(huì)上,來自俄羅斯的BAO MINH M可作ANUFACTURERJSC的有雪LEGUSOV ALEXANDER說(shuō),這(zhè)是他第一次來臨理我沂參加對(duì)洽會(huì),本次參嗎為會(huì)領略到(dào)了中國(guó)的大集市,收獲非常大。臨沂的産品物美價廉,他和他的朋友都(dōu)非票銀常喜歡。

"I have basically obtained t請到he contact information of more than唱舊 80% of suppliers,能件 and Linyi should become the largest 坐爸supply market for our company腦高9;s imported products in 筆我the future." At the international制費 purchaser fair 從來of Lanhua Group, LEGU空道SOV ALEXANDER from BAO MINH MANUFACT匠聽URJSC in Russia said that this 水要is his first time attend票是ing the fair in Linyi. This都見 time, he experienced the large market 道麗in China and gained a lot.為窗 The products in Linyi are of慢紅 good quality and affordable, and短到 he and his frien那月ds love them very much.



來自西班牙的客商GONZALEZ PEREZ ORELVY體裡S,帶著(zhe)40萬美金的合作訂單,參加了好土山東華強集團國(guó)際采購商對(duì)洽會(huì),主要想接洽少微做封邊條、電纜等産品的廠家,“對(duì)接了10來家企業,其中讀是有三家是比較符合的,我準備去他們拍村的生産線作進(jìn)一步的了解”。離筆

GONZALEZ PEREZ ORE我看LVYS, a customer from Spain, pa間見rticipated in th雪有e Shandong Huaqiang Group Internati上嗎onal Purchasing Fair with a coopera長拿tion order of 400000 US dollars. T讀相hey mainly wanted to 數西contact manufacturers of edge 還這banding, cables, and other products. &q我河uot;We have contact計跳ed about 10 companies, and three of t公美hem are quite suitable. I pl城看an to go to thei讀開r production lines to further underst微冷and.".



俄羅期客商PONOMAREV MARX在臨沂商城國(guó)際五金采購商大會(愛紅huì)時(shí)表示,“本次大會(huì)是我們想要的采購平台,幾乎工都可以滿足我們想要的全品類産品,我們和金呈工快花具洽談得很愉快,我想我們很快會(huì)有訂單合作确定。”

Russian merchant PONO喝慢MAREV MARX said at the Liny亮件i Mall International Hard吃得ware Purchasing Conference,費但 "This conference is the 作算procurement platfo低化rm we want, which can almost meet the f冷師ull range of pro近票ducts we want. We had a pleasant n照外egotiation with Jincheng 草術Tools, and I think we wil計相l soon have a confirmed order for coop通公eration."


The international 黃技procurement invitation event was 嗎湖well organized, with precise and 下房efficient supply and dem山會and coordination, achieving 雜技the goal of facilitating transa輛電ctions and enhancing c師動ooperation. With長拍 foreign business技算es from various countries暗個 entering Yimeng an暗房d understanding物上 Linyi, the internationalization爸愛 of Linyi Mall has become more vigorou西術s and powerful. At the meeting, Gu海月angdong Ksourcing Exhibitio林作n Co., Ltd. sign房對ed a contract with間謝 Shandong Port Group知就 to establish a Liny開懂i office, comprehensively術習 exploring the 線森Linyi market in Shandong, and will a秒都lso make a brilliant c筆理ontribution to the internationalizat什一ion process of the mall.




Next, Linyi Mall will contin計可ue to hold inte訊還rnational procurement market activit玩鐵ies, continuously enri紙畫ch the content of the activities,說電 and organize m很友ore merchants and enterprises to partic這員ipate. Guangdong Kso在物urcing will continue to accurate件媽ly invite more professional相黑 purchasers to the Linyi Mall market我森 for negotiation and docking公計, to build an e員一ffective channel for market me司技rchants to communicate and obtain資老 orders, and full請器y assist in promoting the inte事人grated development of dom大這estic and foreign trade in the 樹快mall market, promoting t數拿he deepening of mall事照 internationalization.

下一頁:議員到(dào)訪、現場訂單、舊北養老考察……中國(guó)養老展團亮相馬來西亞S和熱IBS 2023精彩回顧!